Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No Applause Necessary...

So, today I decided that I have been sloughing my duties as house-keeper long enough. I have so far done the dishes, scrubbed the sink, taken all my scrapbook stuff back downstairs, (it's put away down there too), I vacuumed up and down, my room and Kev's room is clean, bathroom is half way done and I have about 5 bags of trash from the basement trash room. If you have ever been to my house you'd understand that one! But it's all picked up now and it's only noon. I should not get any additional praise because these are my daily duties...but I feel good they are done.

The kids are eating chicken dino's, pretzels and carrots for lunch today. Kevin likes ketchup and Kassi prefers Ranch on her chicken. Kevin dips anything in dip and eats it happily most of the time. The trick for him is to just make sure he has some kind of dip and he'll eat. I am dreading the hot dog I'm going to eat. I swear I don't really like them, but that's all that sounds good lately. BLAH!

Steve is coming home for the mid-day section of today. He has to go back to work tonight so he'll be here for a bit so I don't go crazy. He's out of town again this weekend to Scottsdale, AZ. Last trip of the year I hope.

I have been making cards for the grandparents for Christmas. Not for part of a gift, that is the I have about 100 of them and I feel confident I'm done. But who knows? I could make them forever, I enjoy that so much! Well, off I go. I now have somewhere around 4-5 loads of laundry left too. If I continue of the productive coarse I will prevail and complete my shtuff.

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