Sunday, October 26, 2008

Let's Get Started

I have never been a blogger; although I do like to I'm going to try a hand at this I suppose. First thing, most important: The Kids
Kassidy is four and cannot possibly wait more than "seven-three-fourteen" more days to turn five. She is already had it with pre-school and would just assume going into kindergarten. Who knows maybe it will be that easy to get her off into public schooling. If she only know what the next 12 years would bring her. Or is it 13?

Kevin is a firm 20 months now, coming close to 21. He's so helpful yet so incredible distructive at the same time. He appears to be the nicest little boy away from Kassidy, but around her, he's such a torment. Kassidy takes it ok, if you don't mind the screaming on both of their parts. He'll grow out of this right?

And third...little baby to be. Due May 9th is still giving me the nausea any time I think of eating. So, it goes though right...not much can be done about it now. I'm excited. I keep thinking of names and the veto-ing them before I tell them to Steve because he would do that for me anyway.

Steve is awesome! He has had a wonderful set of parents that have taught him so well. He is always so willing to get me whatever it is that I need and he's considerate, adoring (even when I try to bite his fingers) and he's the most amazing dad. I can't complain when some of the girls I know complain about their significant others. I love that guy!

Nadia, the dog. She's not up to much. Although, the other day she decided she'd make a run for Mutton Hollow Road; which probably doesn't mean much to you, but it's about a mile north of where we live. I never would have looked that far and luckily some amazing young lady called us and held Nadia until we could get her. Silly girl!

I'm sure I'll think of more later. I'll also have to get some more pics!